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Total Cholesterol Starter Pack


Total Cholesterol Starter Pack (Lipid Pro) includes:

These products, if sold seperately, have a combined value of $352. However the Total Cholesterol Starter Pack (Lipid Pro) pack costs only $310!

The Cholesterol and Glucose LipidPro meter is a fast and reliable lipid profile monitor. Using this monitor, the user is able to check total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as glucose.

The purpose of this packs is to offer everything needed to begin measuring total cholesterol and glucose with the Cholesterol and Glucose Lipid Pro meter.

The Profile Strips Starter Pack (Lipid Pro) is recommended if measuring HDL cholesterol or Triglycerides is required.

For instruction on how to use these products, see this video

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Profile Strips Starter Pack (Lipid Pro)

Profile Strips Starter Pack (Lipid Pro) includes:

The Profile Strips Starter Pack (Lipid Pro) pack costs only $410!

The Cholesterol and Glucose LipidPro meter is a fast and reliable lipid profile monitor. Using this monitor, the user is able to check total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as glucose.

The purpose of this packs is to offer everything needed to begin measuring total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol (LDL Calculated), Triglycerides and glucose with the Cholesterol and Glucose Lipid Pro meter.

The Total Cholesterol Starter Pack (Lipid Pro) is recommended if measuring HDL cholesterol or Triglycerides is not required.

For instruction on how to use these products, see this video:

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